Advice Agile Leadership Quick Scan - Customer Focus
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Based on these answeres we've developed several tips and advices. The advices consists of 1 Dimensions. By clicking on 'See detailed tips' you can see how you scored with each answer.
Tip: Copy the url of this page to store your advice.
What's next?
After you've read all the tips and advices, what's next? What is a good next step?
- Let others also fill in this Quest and compare the results.
- Organize a brainstorm session of 60 min to create better insight and come with tangible actions how to improve.
- Want to go further? Contact one of the senior leadership coaches for an assessment or leadership workshop.
Your score
Here you see your score in the different dimensions. The maximum score is 100%
- Customer Focus: 50%
1: Customer Focus
Improve the customer centricity and outcome
Customer focus isn't about giving products for free, or doing blindly everything what the customer asks you to do. Customer focus is the deliberate choice that the profit is less important than the customer impact and benefits. It's about having a clear product vision and using customers' feedback to learn. This gives the company an out-wards, external focus. Customer focus is about believing that this era requires a total different way of leading organizations.

Feedback and tips based on your answers
You scored low on Customer Focus. This could mean that there is the tendency to have an inside and internal focus. Too much focus on process and procedures, not on outcome and the users. It’s a good idea to make formulate the customer benefit of several strategic topics. You can start by (re-)formulating a clear customer-oriented-vision.
It can help to ask yourself how you communicate your vision and goals to the teams? Did you visualize them? Are the goals focused on improving your internal process or are they client focused?
Challenges or pitfalls you will probably encounter when also nobody else is creating a customer focus:
- Resistance – teams will probably don’t understand your changed behaviour. The tip is to also communicate why you want more customer-focus.
- Ineffective – teams probably aren’t working towards their full potential. They are doing their work but need an ambitious goal to think outside the box.
Tip: Brainstorm with Scrum Masters
Look inside the organization to more experienced agile people and ask them how you can improve the customer focus.
Tip: Read ‘Agile Leadership Toolkit’
You probably have to cover many miles to increase the customer focus. A good starting point is to read the book ‘Agile Leadership Toolkit’.
Order the bookMore info >>1: What would best describe your customer focus?
Your answer: The customers are briefly mentioned in our strategy or vision
Improve towards: We use customer-oriented success criteria
2: What would best describe the goals and objectives of the teams?
Your answer: The teams have a goal but it isn't actively used
Improve towards: The teams have a tangible goal that is alligned with the other teams/tribes/departments
3: What would best describe the items in your product backlog?
Your answer: The items are really technical
Improve towards: The items are described from the perspective of the customer
4: What would best describe the product backlog management? #2/2
Your answer: The backlog is prioritized by a group of product owners
Improve towards: The backlog is prioritized by a single Product Owner
5: What would best describe the product backlog management? #1/2
Your answer: We don't have or use a product backlog
Improve towards: We use insights on customer usage and/or customer feedback to prioritize
What do you think of the above advice? Please let me know! Contact me on LinkedIn Peter Koning
Tip: Copy the url of this page to store your advice.
What's next?
After you've read all the tips and advices, what's next? What is a good next step?
- Let others also fill in this Quest and compare the results.
- Organize a brainstorm session of 60 min to create better insight and come with tangible actions how to improve.
- Want to go further? Contact one of the senior leadership coaches for an assessment or leadership workshop.